Warning for New Models

Definition for GWC: Guy With Camera
What us models call the "photographer" who just picked up a digital camera at some super store, one-stop-shop, who is now claiming to be a photographer but isn't, all because he figured out that he can get models to come over that he can try to convince to take their clothes off and give him his own private collection of jack-off photos. GWCs. They mostly take advantage of amateurs in the industry who don't know any better.
When you are approached by any photographer asking you to do a shoot with them, always ask to see their portfolio first. If almost all of their images are relatively basic-looking, have subjects who are mostly all really young models wearing little- to- no clothing, or all look like they are of a drastically different photography style or quality, chances are, you've landed you a GWC.
What I always do to weed these kinds of predators away from ever even contacting me to begin with is to put it in my modeling profile that I require all photographers to allow me to bring an escort with me to shoots. Most GWC's do not want anyone else to come with you to shoots, because then there would be a witness or someone else present to help protect you or talk you out of being there. I also state that I do not meet anyone I have never worked with before at their "private studio," as GWC's love to call their private rooms that are often just places in their house or private residence. Do NOT go to anyone's home for a shoot that you do not know, people.
Importantly, human trafficking is real. It is not something that producers like to put in movies or television shows just for the hell of it. It happens, and certain cities, such as Houston, Miami and other places along US borders, are high risk areas. You have a responsibility to protect yourself and those who love you, so be smart. If your gut is telling you something is wrong, listen to it.
It is best to just ask for references and talk to other models who have worked with the photographer in the past.
Ciao ciao,
Elle Joy